The Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild and SaskBooks are partnering to offer writers and publishers a chance to learn about how to sell your book(s) better. Is direct marketing your best option? How do you get your book into a bookstore? How do you get the bookstore to love your book? Does it really matter what it looks like? These are all questions this symposium will answer.
The symposium consists of a half day of presentations and information on Friday September 29, 2017 at the Western Development Museum (Palace Theatre), in Saskatoon. The symposium covers topics such as how to find a publisher, how to format and submit your manuscript, contract and royalties, self-publishing intensive (including workflow, production, hiring an editor, etc.), working with publishers to market your book, and more.
Admission is free, but seating is limited. Only 40 spots are available. The schedule is available here.
The post Publishing Symposium appeared first on SaskBooks.